Thursday, January 8, 2009

Our mothering Teos...

This is our friend Teos.  She loves to hold Rhett and feed him his bottle.  I caught them at a very tender moment when she was feeding Brock.  I love how Brock tells her "no, I'm done", and then when she is about to take a bite, she offers it to Brock first.  She is such a sweetie!


jayna said...

You know, Lila has been sleeping from 7-8 since she was 2 months old, so this is totally out of the blue. I like the nite lite suggestion- I will try it. She was better today, so maybe it's just chalking up to be teething...

This is a cute little video!

Diana & CJ said...

Aww that is a tender moment. That was really cute. It goes to show that us girls get our mothering instincs early.