I am doing this not only because Di and Jen did, but because I bring on things that are embarrassing and say, "Yeah, what's it to ya, Jill?" It actually motivates me to change. So here it goes....
9. My favorite room - this is out of order, sorry. It's always messy, but easy to clean up, it's where Mike and I go to have some together time after the kids go to bed.
1. Laundry room - I wish this was last so we could end on a good note but, alas, it's not. Most of you have been to my house, if not, the laundry room is actually apart of the T.V. room which I will showcase later, thus it has to be clutter-free or someone could get hurt (literally).
3. Self-portrait - honestly, people, this is taking it a little too far....
4. Kitchen sink - This actually isn't too bad. This is dinner only dishes, too.
5. Fridge - It is what it is...
6. Favorite shoes - These are new, I've already blogged about them, they ROCK!
7. What my kids are doing right now - Well, it's 7:30pm when I took the pics, so they weren't doing anything crazy.....I also decided to add Robb as one of my children since I house him and feed him.
Cason jumped up from bed right when I opened the door....CHEESER! That's Kemper, the dog.
Here's Brock fast asleep on the other side of the room from Cason...please don't comment on the torn wallpaper, it's on the to do list.
Taycie is also asleep. I actually started to redo this room before I had Rhett. I tore the wallpaper off, now we just have to paint....ugh.
And last, but not least, Rhett. He is on his way up to bed.
8. Bathroom - I had to take a pic of my awesome bum-washer-thing.
So this is a little embarrassing, but when I showed Mike the picture he said, "What's so embarrassing about it?"....men.
So there you have it. I want ya'll to do this too. I love to see other people's houses! Don't cheat either! Right when you read this blog you need to take pics of your own house! Good luck.