to finish their waking up with mom and dad.
I am so grateful for church. If I didn't have reminders every week about what is possible for me, I would be on the fast track for disaster. Our lesson was on the conference talk by Elder Ballard given to young mothers. Two things that have stuck with me are that when I get frustrated with my kids or husband it is not because of something they did, but how I chose to handle it. Mike has been working late nights every night so I have the kids all day and have to get them ready and in bed by myself most days. i have found myself getting angry or frustrated when my kids won't put their pajamas on fast enough. In our lesson they talked about focusing on the "doing" instead of the "getting it done". This struck me like a lightning bolt. What the heck am I doing? Relax, sister!! So now with the help and helpful hints from Elder Ballard, I am determined to enjoy the bathing and changing and feeding and putting to bed, and all the other monotonous but AWEOME moments in my children's lives. Wish me luck!
Hi Jill...I SO hear ya on this one. What is it about the hours from 5-8pm that make me LOSE MY MIND?!
Thanks for the good reminder. You're awesome!
I forgot to tell you- the videos are no big deal. YOu can totally arrange the text and pictures any way you want in the book. YOu don't have to have every blog post, or you can just put any photo with your writing. It's really easy and flexible to use. Good luck!
Hey, Jill! Cute blogs! I love the videos. I was home "alone" a lot, too... It is really hard, but I remember reminding myself that these little kids had full-grown spirits inside... it helped a lot to be patient. When I remembered, anyway. ;)
Thanks for the reality check. I have been praying daily for charity, especially in my interactions with my children. I know the Lord is on our side in this amazing journey of motherhood. Thank goodness!
Oh, and Brent told me to tell you "Thank You."
You are an amazing mother. Now that I have my own I realize how crazy you really are. I seriously dont know how you do it but you have raised 3 amazing kids and im sure the 4th will be the same. See you in a couple days! camping? ugh....
Oh my Brock is so big. I hardly recognized the little guy. They're all so big & so very cute.
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