Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Cason Phelps

Let me just say....Cason is our awesome man. He saw Isaiah jump off the board and swim to the side and also watched Michael Phelps swim his way into history. He was particularly interested in the breaststroke, so he tried to imitate it the best he could, we think he did awesome. On a side note- Cason just turned 4 in August, we were a little worried about the pool when we first moved in for obvious reasons. Mike and I were both lifeguards and I taught lessons for awhile so we thought we could handle it. It is probably no surprise to any of you that it is hard to teach your kids how to swim. All the other kids would listen to me. Anyway, I just decided to get him in the pool as much as posible to build his confidence. Although I have tried to teach him many things in the pool, all that you see is inspired by master Isaiah or master Phelps


Malerie said...

Haha I love it! I'll be watching for him in the Olympics of 2020 :)

Nana Maggie said...

WAY TO GO CASON!!!! You look so grown up swimming from one side of the pool to the other. You did a fantastic job. Come and see us sometime. Love, Maggie and the girls

Shelli said...

Wow! What a cute little fish!

Diana & CJ said...

His little jumps are cute, he's so brave. I still have trouble jumping of the diving board with out a little panic.
Can't wait for our trip in a couple weeks.Talked to Ames today, it seems like it will be really layed back & relaxing. Just what I'm looking for.

Lisa said...

Hannah says: Dear Cason, I love your swimming. I wish I was your sister.
Lisa says: Love the flower, Jill. And, the background. And, of course, your little fish and his Olympianitity. Thanks again for the blogging inspiration!