Wednesday, August 18, 2010

End of Summer Slump

Other than Cason and Mike's birthdays, we have a pretty boooorrrriiiinnnggg August. So here is just a few very bbbooooorrrrriiiinnnggg pictures of things that have occupied our August thus far:

Who slayed the poodles? I think the job was left half done, as evidenced by the clumsily disposed of corpse of the standard.

If you like laundry, you'll love my house.
Four days worth of laundry for the Hammonds.

And for the grand finale......Cason's tan!
Sorry Cason! I had too! Don't forget, you said I could!


jayna said...

Loved it! I laughed and laughed over the poodles!

Shelli said...

haha, great pictures! Nice Tan Cason! :)

Erin said...

look at tan line! I have put on my swimsuit once this summer....lame i know.