Monday, June 21, 2010

Summer= Russian Olive Trees and Frozen Cookies

MMMMMM! Have you ever smelled a Russian Olive?
If you don't think you have, I bet you are wrong.
Whenever I am on the freeway passing American Fork and Pleasant Grove, I can roll down the windows and let my nose fill with the freshness.
I swear all my troubles are scared away.
Russian Olives are my troubles' enemy.

Confession: I bought these at Costco.
Not one was baked.

Instead they were devoured as "frozen cookies".
That's right, a whole box of cookie dough was eaten within 5 days.

The culprits:
and me.


Nancy said...

Jill are you sure you're smelling Russian Olives and not the water treatment plant. I always catch a rank odor right there between PG and AF. We must be smelling something different, I agree that it's scarey, but there isn't anything fresh about it. Whoo-whee!

BTW-nobody buys uncooked cookie dough to actually bake it. It's all about the "frozen cookie".

Here's another BTW-Thanks for the swimming invite on Saturday. I was stinkin exhausted so I stayed home and did nothing. But we would love to play one of these days.

Diana said...

I don't recall the smell of those olives. wow, all 72 cookies? Now that deserves some sort of medal.

The Anglesey Family said...

Totally did the same thing!!!!

jayna said...

Jill, my email is on my friend of a friend site, for future reference! :)

I'd be happy to change it up!

Teresa said...

We love eating raw cookie dough!!!