Monday, October 27, 2008

Family Pictures...again

Okay, so here they are. This is mostly for our parents who get to choose what shots they want and what size....but have fun everyone else!
Our beeeutiful fam
Taycie workin' the camera.

We have the only two pics of Cason smiling genuine on here.

Brock cried most of the time but got quite a few good shots...go figure.

Our little princess.

Here you go...the prego shot, and here is the real Brock.

She told us to roar, I think it turnes out pretty well!

This totally captures the kind of dad Mike is.

Brockers getting a smooch from mama.

I can break out the aahhs right about now.

Our handsome man.

His lips are a little blue, but just to match his eyes.

Can we go to Kangaroo Zoo?

I know it's expensive, but can we go to Kangaroo Zoo? How long do we have to wait until we can go back? Mom, I love Kangaroo Zoo! These are just a few of the phrases that come out of my kids' mouths concerning KZ. This is a warehouse full of huge blow-up bounmy toys that the kids play and get hurt on. Every scrape that Taycie gets at home she attributes to playing too hard at Kangaroo Zoo. I don't know if you can see Brock's head in one of the first ones of Cason and Tacyie going pull blast down the slide.....that was pre-collision/screaming/scene.

The canyon in the fall...

So last Sunday Mike took the kids to the canyon while I got to take a little nap. I wish I would've gone when he brought back the pics and showed me how darn cute the kids were, how much they enjoyed it, and all the beautiful colors. I also have to give Mike props for taking such awesome pics of the kids. I love the pic of them on the log because it shows all the gloriousness of Brock's belly!!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Thanks to Maggie for my first tag!

8 Favorite T V. Shows:

1. Extreme Home Makeover: Home Edition
2. Oprah
3. Those are the only ones I DVR and sometimes get to watch...

8 Things That Happened Yesterday:

1. Went to the gracery store at 6am (only time to do it alone)
2. Did music class homework with Cason
3. Went to music class with Cason
4. Went to Jackson's 2 yr birthday bash
5. Rested while Cason and Taycie watched a movie and Brock took a nap
6. Went to get the boys' hair cut
7. Went to Kid 2 Kid to find shoes for Cason and a bow for Taycie (Pictures are tomorrow!)
8. Made dinner and visit taught all 3 of my girlies!

8 Things I Am Looking Forward To:

1. Halloween!
2. My mom coming for the baby
3. Meeting our new little edition, Michael Rhett
4. Thanksgiving
5. Weather turning colder
6. Getting darker sooner, the kids think it's okay to go to bed earilier because the sun did.
7. My 26th birthday
8. Christmas

8 Things That I Love About Fall:

1. Cooler weather
2.The possibility of hot chocolate
3. Changing colors
4. The crunch of leaves
5. Conference
6. The sight of pumpkins and straw
7. Corn mazes
8.Getting the winter coats out

8 Things on Wish List:

1. Skinnier Jill
2. Healthy baby
4. Safe kids
5. In-home chef
6. Maid
7. An "at-my-beck-and-call" free babysitter (any offers?)
8. Good night's sleep

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Just curious....

First of all, Mike told me I didn't have a pic of Taycie with the "hat" on. So here it is....and also

Is it normal for a little child to be able to fit into one leg of your pajama pants and call it her "princess dress"?

Friday, October 3, 2008

Monster Hat...oh sheesh!

Can you guess what's coming? Let me introduce you to the "monster hat". This mobile was lovingly broken by Taycie and has since been used for a very scary hat. Taycie: (with the "hat" on) "Look mom, I'm a monster! Raaaaa!"

Cason had to join in the fun of course, since "monster" and "hat" were in the conversation.
The one I didn't expect to participate was our little Brockers. I thought maybe I could get the hat on for a couple seconds for a cute blog picture. What I found a few minutes later was this little video.