Will I ever get there? Children who can communicate feelings with words instead of shouts, screams, crying, and whining (ohhhhh..the WHINING!)
The Dream Home I've been obsessing over...
The garden with corn, tomatoes, cucumbers, strawberries and so much more...
My future pool table, you know, the ones where you can put a ping pong table on top...
A pool with an automatic cover...
A session of Settlers of Catan with my kids, instead of begging my brother to bring his roomates over...
A work schedule for Mike with numbers ranging from 9 to 5...
Just a little land...nothing under an acre..
Kids who sit ALL the way through church coloring or reading...
Diaper free? No that's too much to ask. ONE in diapers...
Is it an unachievable dream or too much to strive for? I don't know. What I do know is what we've already achieved. Are you ready to RUUUMMMMBBBLLLEEE??!! Da da da duh da da da.. daaaaa.....
Children who sweetly profess their love without pride or provocation.
A home big enough for us and those who need help.
A JOB first of all, second of all one that fills my husband with satisfaction and confidence.
A kidney shaped pool that has no automatic cover, but drains my kids' energy and teaches them to swim "SUPER-FAST", just like Rocket from Little Einsteins.
Kids who relish everything they learn in church and can see everything literally, the way religion should be seen.
Children who depend on me for almost all decisions.
I think I'm good.
Don't you think for a second I'm going to give up on the first hopes. It's all a matter of time and appreciating what you have NOW so you can appreciate what you have later, too. :)