Boforehand note: Girls Night Girls....I can't find a pic of us, only Brigitte, I'll dedicate a whole blog to us later.

My sisters and me. I LOVED the purse Erin is holding! I tried so hard to get to that purple charm in the middle because it looked like grape candy. I'm glad I never got to it, I would have been disappointed.

First of all, I know, I had some serious deltoids. Basketball. You ran my life for most of my adolescence, but I thank you for the opportunity of friendships, confidence and discipline.....I guess (grumble).

Tessa Genatone. Laughing, french braiding, demon, Genatone salad, the best choco. chip cookies ever made, Shmiggy Miggy tuh-huh, so many more. I called you home for a couple of the best years of my life. Thanks

Brooks Graff. Yes, OKAY?!! I had a huge crush on you. I only said I was your best friend because we were in middle school and you know how those kids love to embarrass anyone. I claimed you as my own under the "best friend" title to save us both....I promise.

Audrey Hague. So fun and HIP! I admired your ability to put yourself out there. Very loyal and understanding. I loved having you on my side. I have always felt I didn't pull my weight as a friend. It was always good times with you!

Brigitte Parker-Thorne. Fiercely loyal, witty, hilarious (intentionally, and unintentionally), predictably dramatic (remember the fiercely loyal part, okay Brig?), always available for a listening ear and a shoulder to cry on (even if I don't cry very often). I don't know what I would do or what news I would miss without you! You are family.

Matt and Chris, my premie pals. I really had fun with that care-free lot.

BYU-I Lifeguards. We guarded the lives of the lap swimmers four hours at a time. We also bowled on the weekends, where I seriously kicked some lifeguard booty.

Lezlie Cornia, I will always remember having a cold in college and having you make me drink a whole pitcher full of orange juice. Lezlie, I know you meant well, but....SERIOUSLY?? THE WHOLE PITCHER?? I'm still going to the bathroom.

He who Mike must not name.....

Okay, okay, Alex Parker, my very best friend in highschool.....and we'll leave it at that!